Friday, June 4, 2010

The British Food - PowerPoint by Lorena M. and Míriam A.

Olga, quan la Lorena comença a parlar s'ha de pujar el volum perqué no he pogut modificar-ho perque s'escolti més alt.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The london eye (record)

Hi! I'm Alberto M. This is my record.

Monday, May 17, 2010


We've tried to put the music with myplick programme, but we couldn't. So, we've done all the porject with Power Point. We've put the music on the Power Point, but when we've uploaded it, the music doesn't hear it. That there isn't a problem because in the presentation, 24th of May and 2nd of June, the music is going to play without problems while we expose our experiences in London (live).